Holly Yzquierdo

Holly Yzquierdo

Holly Yzquierdo is an experienced Marketing and Communications Manager and has served at Catholic Charities since 2014. She is passionate about helping nonprofits share the impact of their work in a digital world. Holly has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Cameron University. Outside of work, Holly enjoys spending time with her family.

Kids Need to Read provided Catholic Charities with 2,225 new books in English and Spanish, as well as Highlight Magazines and Spanish High Fives Magazines! This donation was valued at almost $35,000!

In January 2019 they took the first step toward infant adoption and attended a Joining Hearts information session.

“I didn’t think he would try to kill me. My little girl is going to see my die.” That was the moment that changed everything. Ashley knew getting out and getting safe was a matter of life and death for her daughter and her unborn child.

When you hear about domestic violence you probably think of physical or sexual assault. There are other types of domestic violence that are just as devastating. Both men and women experience domestic violence.

If you walked into Emily’s office, you’d never know the lifetime of abuse she experienced daily. Although young, Emily is a hardworking, ambitious employee and an attentive, loving mother. Most people would be envious of the way her life looks, but in truth, she was being abused, physically, emotionally and financially.

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