Holly Yzquierdo

Holly Yzquierdo

Holly Yzquierdo is an experienced Marketing and Communications Manager and has served at Catholic Charities since 2014. She is passionate about helping nonprofits share the impact of their work in a digital world. Holly has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Cameron University. Outside of work, Holly enjoys spending time with her family.

Tosha and her son moved into Rosewood Court in December and never worry about coming and going, even at night. “At our previous apartment, my son couldn’t go out and play, here he can go play, participate in all the activities and enjoy the playground.”

Russell Herring, a Marine veteran and former business owner had fallen on hard times. He moved to Phoenix for a job but it didn’t provide the steady income he needed, and he found himself in a desperate situation. Russell moved north hoping for more opportunities, but ended up homeless. Thankfully, he met Vinnie Scarponi with Catholic Charities Veterans Services.

Tracey was too young to remember her earliest days, but they would shape the rest of her life. She spent the first six months of her life in foster care before being placed with the parents who would adopt her.
Thirty years later, Tracy and her husband, Bob, wanted to start a family. They regularly ministered to children at their church and were like family to many kids in their community. Tracey’s health problems put their plans to adopt on hold.

Rachel completed the Dignity Diversion program about a year ago. She takes life one day at a time and is in school and working toward her GED. She also has a job and finds pride in taking care of her baby. She wants her child to have a better life  than she had.

Charles Hornsby was living on the street when he discovered a cat that was abandoned in a motel parking lot. Without hesitation, Charles rescued the cat and named him Oyster after the white pearl on his chest.

“We were both homeless and as a Marine Veteran, we leave no man, or cat, behind,” said Charles.

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