Friday, 21 October 2016

Super Kids Learn About Emotions

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Superheroes in training at WSHS Superheroes in training at WSHS

Students at Westside Head Start (WSHS) learned a lot from the book Even Superheroes Have Bad Days by Shelly Becker and Eda Kaban.

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Melissa Jackson, WSHS teacher said, "The children in my classroom really enjoyed the idea that it is ok to have a bad day, because everyone does ... even superheroes." By the end of the week the children would recite their favorite quote from the book, “. . . they COULD super-tantrum, they COULD but they DON'T,  because REAL Superheroes just WOULDN'T—they WON'T!”

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The class used plain white fabric and cut the capes and masks to make their own superhero attire. They were completed and worn in the classroom all day on Friday and the children were encouraged to use their superhero powers to interact with others, share, take turns, and think before they react when they are upset.

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The children ran around like superheroes on the playground and helped their friends who were “in trouble or sad,” by using their super powers to encourage them.

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Learn more about the great work happening in Westside Head Start!



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