
Catholic Charities Veteran Services helps veterans and their families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness find stable housing and provides ongoing case management that includes financial planning, assistance applying for VA benefits, emergency assistance and more.

Friday, 08 November 2019

Army Veteran in Impossible Situation

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Kenneth was born and raised in Arizona. He is a hard worker and planned a career in the Army. Soon after joining, Kenneth was diagnosed with serious medical problems that limited his ability to work and live the life he imagined.

After receiving a medical discharge, Kenneth decided to live in Northern Arizona. He went to school to become an HVAC technician. He had a job he enjoyed, two amazing daughters, and things were starting to look up.

A Brain Tumor Changes Everything

Then the unthinkable happened. Kenneth was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He knew he would need help and reached out to local organizations for guidance. He heard he made too much money for assistance, but soon he would be unable to work. He didn’t know what would happen. As a single dad, he worried about providing for his daughters.

Kenneth had surgery to remove the tumor. He wouldn’t be able to work for a long time. He focused his energy on getting better. He spent months in physical and occupational therapy. He learned how to walk again, and how to work despite not having feeling in his left hand.

In an effort to stay in his home, he took in roommates to help pay the bills. That didn’t work in the long term and during the heat of the summer, he was left without a roof over his head.

Getting Back on His Feet

“It was impossible to get back on my feet without help,” said Kenneth. Thankfully, help was coming. Within two weeks, Kenneth met Rocky Coronado, Catholic Charities Veterans Services case manager.

“When I met Kenneth he was living in his car,” said Coronado. Catholic Charities’ Veterans Services in Northern Arizona serves low income men, women and families who are facing a housing crisis to obtain stable housing.

Everything changed when Kenneth met Coronado. “Rocky went above and beyond my expectations. He took extra time to make sure I was qualified to for help,” said Kenneth. “Anything I needed, he was there. I got help quickly.”

It took about two weeks for Kenneth to get into a new place after meeting Coronado. “It was a godsend to find this place. I needed a three bedroom for my girls and I needed to keep them in the same school,” said Kenneth, “Rocky found a place that was perfect.”

“We provided him with security deposit and 4 months of rent,” said Coronado; “He continues to remain successfully housed as well as employed full-time.”

Kenneth wishes he had found Catholic Charities Veterans Services earlier and encourages other veterans who need help to call Catholic Charities.

Helping Veterans

Catholic Charities’ Veterans Services strives to keep people in stable housing or get them in stable housing. Each person’s situation is different and requires an individualized plan. Our knowledgeable team is committed to connecting people with the resources they need. Please call us at 1-855-256-9419 to connect with a case manager near you.

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