Welcome the Newcomer

Catholic Charities assists refugees and immigrants that are legally in the United States. Our Refugee Resettlement program supports refugees who flee their country of origin, often running from violence, war and persecution, to save their lives. They are granted refugee status by the United Nations due to a well-founded case of persecution and cleared for entrance to America by our Department of Homeland Security.

Our Immigration Legal Services team helps reunite those in the U.S. legally with minor children and spouses who remain in their country of origin. Many of those we assist are refugees — those granted refugee status by the United Nations and invited here by the U.S. Federal Government — to reunite with their spouses and minor children. We also help U.S. citizens and those with legal residency secure residency for their spouses and/or children.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

These Are My People

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Ten students from James Madison University (JMU) from Harrisonburg, Va., visited Phoenix to partner with Catholic Charities refugee program. The students worked with and learned from refugees from around the world.

Ally Gotthold, a junior at JMU shares the most impactful part of her trip in this brief video.

Ally shares about a refugee who felt like he was among his people. The help that our volunteers give to refugees helps them to feel accepted in their new home. You can learn more about how we serve and welcome refugees to the United States or learn about volunteer opportunities.

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