
Catholic Charities is committed to helping individuals and families experiencing homelessness find affordable, stable housing. Our team helps veterans and their families, people with severe mental illness and others who need shelter. We have multiple programs to help homeless persons throughout Northern Arizona.

Friday, 28 August 2020

Northern Arizona Mom Conquers Economic Challenges

Just a few short months ago, Patti* had been employed full-time and lived in an apartment in Flagstaff with her two boys. While money was definitely tight, they had a roof over their heads and food on the table. 
Then Patti was injured at work. Unfortunately, that injury required surgery, time off and even when she returned to work, she wasn’t able to perform normally. Eventually, she was laid off. She did find another job, but COVID-19 hit, and she was laid off again. The little money she had saved was gone in a flash. They didn’t have enough for rent and just like that, they were homeless with nowhere to go. 

Homeless with Children

“It’s hard to be homeless, especially with the kids, trying to explain to them why,” Patti said. “It’s really stressful having to put my kids through all this because of something I don’t have control over.”
Patti and her two sons had hit rock bottom by the time they found help from Catholic Charities Community Services in Northern Arizona. The family had just run out of time at a local group homeless shelter in Flagstaff. 
Our compassionate housing team met with Patti and her children and immediately moved them into the family shelter in Flagstaff, which is the only shelter of its kind in all of Northern Arizona where family members can all stay together in one unit. While this was again temporary, it was comfortable and safe, and now she had full case management services from the housing team. 

Local Resources Provide Safety

Another issue that Patti needed to overcome was a history of domestic abuse. The team helped her find the local resources she needed to take action to ensure her family would be safe from her abuser. 
“We are constantly inspired by the resiliency our clients demonstrate, being able to rise up to meet challenge after challenge, and not give up when life is overwhelming,” said Camie Rasband, Northern Arizona Programs Director. “When you add hope to that resiliency, we can overcome any obstacle life throws at us.” 
Patti found a job at Northern Arizona University with some help from the team, where she thrived. With some assistance from Catholic Charities with the first month’s rent, she was able to move into an apartment through our Rapid Rehousing program and begin saving some money for her future. She found quality childcare for her boys and is finally feeling safe and secure, not to mention grateful. Patti now looks forward to a happy future with her boys! 
Catholic Charities Housing program provides emergency shelter, supportive and affordable housing options throughout Northern Arizona. Our case managers work with other local nonprofits to ensure clients have all the resources and assistance they need to go from crisis to thriving. 

*Pseudonym used to protect client privacy.

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