
Catholic Charities is committed to helping individuals and families experiencing homelessness find affordable, stable housing. Our team helps veterans and their families, people with severe mental illness and others who need shelter. We have multiple programs to help homeless persons throughout Northern Arizona.

Wednesday, 08 June 2022

Flagstaff Father Rebuilds After Eviction and Homelessness

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COVID has resulted in the displacement of people from all walks of life from their homes, jobs and the lives they once knew. Especially at the peak of the pandemic, many faced eviction due to problems finding work. The effects can be devastating, as an eviction on one’s record can make it extremely difficult to find another place to live.

This was the case for Todd*. After a divorce, he had to start over but couldn’t maintain his job and found himself and his family experiencing homelessness. Luckily, he was able to find a house in Phoenix, Ariz.

Facing Eviction Due to COVID

But when COVID hit, everything changed. The work Todd had stopped. Although he was only a month and a half behind on rent, he was unable to find help in the area and was evicted.

Still experiencing homelessness, Todd returned to Flagstaff and stayed at the homeless shelter. He became friends with a woman who told him about Catholic Charities’ Housing Services programs. Todd reached out to do a coordinated entry intake (an intake for anyone accessing community services) and was referred to Catholic Charities’ Emergency Shelter.

Finding Support at Catholic Charities

He began staying at the Emergency Shelter with his children and was granted an extension. He also participated in the Rapid Rehousing program and was extremely motivated to find a place to live. He says that his case manager, Lexie, made all the difference.

“The biggest thing is Lexie, just her personality and her helping... [She went] the extra mile in getting me the extra month,” said Todd.

A Fresh Perspective After Homelessness

Finally, all of his hard work had paid off. After two years of putting in applications, Todd found a place for him and his family to live. He was excited for the future ahead of them.

“Just the relief on [my boy’s] face was exciting. And the fact that he got to go to school without being homeless. That’s why I praise Lexie. She knew that school was starting,” he added.

Looking for an easy way to help those experiencing homelessness in Northern Arizona? Using our Amazon Charity List, you can donate items directly to our offices, which will be distributed to the most vulnerable in your community.

*Name changed to protect client privacy.

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