Giving Hope

Catholic Charities is grateful for local support that helps us walk along side individuals and families in crisis and give hope. Individual donors, community partners, corporate partners, Catholic parishes and schools, and volunteers all help advance our mission to help our community’s most vulnerable.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Nine-Year-Old Dedicates Christmas Money to Those in Need

Around Christmastime, most children are excitedly awaiting a new toy or game under the tree. For Declan, a 9-year old boy in Flagstaff, giving back to those in need was the perfect gift this holiday season.

His Christmas spirit showed boldly when he befriended a blind man experiencing homelessness. This friendship helped him understand the struggles that affect countless people in his community, whether it be staying warm in the cold or finding nutritious food to eat. After meeting others experiencing homelessness, he realized just how many people were in need and decided to make a difference.

Showing genuine concern for his community, Declan chose to forgo any Christmas presents that he might receive. Instead, he asked anyone who would normally buy him presents to donate to his fund for those experiencing homelessness. Knowing the impact he could make, Declan reached out to his aunts, uncles, grandparents, and family friends to support the cause.

“It isn’t fair for me to get Christmas presents when so many homeless people won’t be getting anything for Christmas,” he said.

Setting an Example

With the help of his loved ones, Declan was able to collect enough money to fill 13 backpacks with much-needed items. He included snacks, blankets, gloves, scarves, hats, water bottles, and handwarmers.

What’s more, Declan showed an impressive understanding of what those experiencing homelessness go through each day. He strived to find used backpacks that were in good condition. He was worried that if he provided new backpacks, they would get stolen. The nine-year-old didn’t want his community members to experience any more hardship than they already had.

Declan is a selfless little boy and an excellent example of what it means to love they neighbor.

If you were inspired by Declan’s giving spirit, check out the many ways you can give back to your community through Catholic Charities.

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