Foster Care and Adoption

Catholic Charities foster care program helps qualified individuals and couples become licensed foster parents. Our case managers facilitate the initial training and continue to provide ongoing training, resources and support. We recruit and support foster parents, therapeutic foster parents, kinship foster parents and unaccompanied minor foster parents.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Alli's Birthday Benefits Kids in Foster Care

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When children are removed from their homes and placed in foster care, they often go empty handed. Sometimes children are given a trash bag or two in which they can take a few of their belongings. Their whole world, everything that is important to them, gets transported in a trash bag.

Sweet Cases

Alli Goozh is in the process of becoming a foster parent but wanted to do more.  “I saw an organization called Together We Rise on Facebook. They do a lot to help foster kids and one of the projects is called Sweet Cases,” said Goozh. “My birthday was coming up and was turning 43. I wanted 43 kids to feel special. I challenged my friends to donate, so I could provide Sweet Cases to kids in foster care.”alli 2 sweet cases for foster care

Sweet Cases are duffle bags containing a stuffed animal, a blanket, hygiene kit, coloring books, crayons, etc. The goal behind Sweet Cases is to provide some dignity and comfort to kids in foster care.

Alli set up a fundraising page through Together We Rise that she shared with her friends. Once the fundraiser was complete Together We Rise sent all the materials needed for the Sweet Case to be decorated as well as the goodies that go inside. 

“My friends were amazing and very generous. We were able to provide 53 Sweet Cases to kids in foster care,” said Goozh.

The Party

Fifteen adults and their kids attend the birthday party where the Sweet Cases were decorated and filled. Goozh had been connected to Alicia O’Loughlin, Catholic Charities programs director for foster care and adoption, through a friend. Goozh and O’Loughlin had previously met to discuss foster care and adoption. “I asked Alicia if Catholic Charities could use them,” said Goozh.

alli 4 sweet cases for foster careO’Loughlin and Catholic Charities foster care staff Sally Gramke picked up the Sweet Cases after the party. 

“We sent about 20 Sweet Cases to northern Arizona for kids there and delivered the remaining to help other children,” said Gramke.

This generous gift will help 50 children receive a little comfort during the often chaotic transition to foster care. “It’s so easy to do these parties, and it taught the kids attending to be a good community members and to think of others," said Goozh. These parties require very little effort, anyone can do it.”

More than 17,000 kids are in foster care in Arizona. At Catholic Charities we work tirelessly to help theese children. You can help them by gvinig a one-time or montly gift to help children in foster care.  


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