Foster Care and Adoption

Catholic Charities foster care program helps qualified individuals and couples become licensed foster parents. Our case managers facilitate the initial training and continue to provide ongoing training, resources and support. We recruit and support foster parents, therapeutic foster parents, kinship foster parents and unaccompanied minor foster parents.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Adopting Macy

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Macy Macy

Julia and Greg have a beautiful life. They have great jobs that they love, close friends and family and a wonderful church. Still, something was missing. They dreamed about starting a family. They didn’t know it yet, but one day they would adopt the most beautiful baby they had ever seen.

When Julia and Greg looked into becoming foster parents, they didn’t know if it was the right time, but they felt called to fostering. They found an orientation and learned about the need for foster parents and the intensive training they would need to go through. They found classes to fit their schedule and started the paperwork.

Becoming a foster parent is a difficult process. It requires training, background checks, home inspections, interviews and in depth paperwork. It’s a trying process, but important to make sure that all foster parents are qualified to care for children in their care.

Julia and Greg excitedly made preparations. They didn’t know when they would get the call, or how old the child would be. They knew they were ready.

Three weeks after Julia and Greg were licensed, they got the call. There was a baby girl who needed a home. Julia and her mom volunteered to pick her up from the hospital while Greg was at work.

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Meeting Macy

Julia arrived at the hospital, eager to meet this tiny baby. She was immediately stuck with this baby girl’s beauty. Julia also had the rare opportunity to meet the doctor who delivered the baby and the pediatrician at the hospital.

After fumbling with the car seat, Julia and her mom left the hospital. They drove to Greg’s office so he could meet Macy. Like all foster parents, they didn’t know if they would have Macy for a couple of days or forever. Only time could tell.

Foster or Forever

Macy was a wonderful baby. Julia and Greg bonded with her quickly. While they could imagine keeping her forever, they knew their role was meant to be temporary. They didn’t hear anything from Macy’s biological family until five months later when Macy’s biological mom showed up at court.

Macy started going to visits with her biological mom, but those didn’t last long. Many months later Macy’s biological mom came back and wanted to start visits again. This time she was pregnant.

Macy’s sister was born and was placed with Julia and Greg. Now they had two children under one year old. More biological family members got involved. Julia and Greg supported visits and encouraged connection with all family members.

Macy started overnight visits with her great aunt who would visit from California. This was very stressful for Macy. As a one year old, she didn’t understand why she was leaving her home for 24 hours every week. Even though she was with a family member who loved her, to Macy she was a stranger.Macy and Family

Julia and Greg wanted to keep Macy and her sister’s biological family connected. They could see that the overnight visit and the uncertainty was causing trauma.

Sherri Gray, a Catholic Charities Resource Home Adoption Specialist, was always available to help Julia and Greg thought these uncertain times. “We couldn’t have gotten through those scary times without her,” said Julia.

Julia prayed for her girls, their extended family and everyone involved. They knew nothing was certain in foster care but she needed to advocate for these girls.

As time went on, it was clear that adoption was the best thing for Macy. She needed the stability Julia and Greg provided as well as the love of her extended biological family. Julia and Greg welcomed their continued role in her life.

Adoption Day

Surrounded by family members, Julia, Greg and Macy became a forever family on All Saints Day. The adoption proceedings were quicker than you would expect for such a monumental occasion. Macy didn’t become their daughter that day, she had been all along.

Macy’s little sister is now 1 year old. Julia and Greg continue to foster her and are grateful that the sisters get to be together. They don’t know what the future holds, but they will continue to love and pray for their girls.


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