
Catholic Charities Veteran Services helps veterans and their families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness find stable housing and provides ongoing case management that includes financial planning, assistance applying for VA benefits, emergency assistance and more.

Friday, 31 May 2024

Case Manager Acts Quickly to House a Veteran Family

Catholic Charities Veterans Services is a housing first program, which means it recognizes housing as a person’s first and most important need. Veterans Services helps veterans and their families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness find stable housing and provides ongoing case management.

For Veterans Services staff, time is of the essence. Everyday occurrences like extreme outdoor temperatures and illnesses can be life-threatening for a person experiencing homelessness.

A Call for Help

In February 2024, Catholic Charities Veterans Services received a call from a veteran named Phillip. He and his partner, Jennifer, were imminently facing homelessness.

They had both recently moved to Prescott, Ariz. from California to live with family. Unfortunately, the living situation wasn’t a good one, and they were left with nowhere else to go. Jennifer had also been experiencing serious health conditions and had recently gotten out of the hospital.

Overcoming Barriers to Permanent Housing

The next day, a case manager was able to meet the couple and enroll them in the Veterans Services program. Phillip and Jennifer were extremely motivated to find housing but faced multiple barriers.

Due to Phillip’s criminal background (now over five years old) and credit score, they kept getting denied. They were also struggling to find a landlord who would accept their two dogs.

A Second Chance Brings Stability

Luckily, Veterans Services has connections with a caring landlord from California who owns homes in Yavapai County and makes them available to veterans. When the case manager explained the couple’s barriers to the landlord, he stated, “I’m not concerned with [the] past history of tenants. Everyone deserves a second chance.”

The case manager was able to get Phillip and Jennifer moved in within a week. Staff were also able to provide necessary household items like a bed, sheets, pillows, pots and pans.

The couple is over the moon to be housed and so thankful for the support they received. “Words can't describe what you've done and mean to our growing family! We're blessed to have people like you that genuinely care for veterans even when they're struggling to accept and love themselves,” added Phillip.

Since then, Phillip and Jennifer have both been able to secure employment and love being a part of the Prescott community. They will remain enrolled with Veterans Services and receive additional rental assistance to ensure long-term success.

Support Veterans Services

If you have a heart for veterans like Phillip, consider donating in-kind items through our Amazon Charity List. Items like tents, sleeping bags and hand warmers can be invaluable resources for veterans experiencing homelessness.

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