Welcome the Newcomer

Catholic Charities assists refugees and immigrants that are legally in the United States. Our Refugee Resettlement program supports refugees who flee their country of origin, often running from violence, war and persecution, to save their lives. They are granted refugee status by the United Nations due to a well-founded case of persecution and cleared for entrance to America by our Department of Homeland Security.

Our Immigration Legal Services team helps reunite those in the U.S. legally with minor children and spouses who remain in their country of origin. Many of those we assist are refugees — those granted refugee status by the United Nations and invited here by the U.S. Federal Government — to reunite with their spouses and minor children. We also help U.S. citizens and those with legal residency secure residency for their spouses and/or children.

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Family From Sudan Achieves Their Dream of a Better Life in the US

Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement welcomes and supports refugees arriving from many countries around the world. War, persecution, and other horrific circumstances force refugees to leave their home countries and find safety in the U.S. These brave individuals and families deserve the utmost care and kindness as they adjust to life in an unfamiliar place.

The first thing refugees see when they arrive on U.S. soil is the friendly face of a Refugee Resettlement staff member who is eager to welcome them home. Staff also set up an apartment for refugees, complete with all the basics they will need to get started. Refugee Resettlement provides additional support such as enrolling children in school, English language courses, and an introduction to public transportation.

Refugee Resettlement Brings Comfort Amid Uncertainty

One of these refugees, Nianbul Chol, is a widow from Sudan. She and her children, Achay, Ayak, Chan, and Nygor, arrived in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2019. A Refugee Resettlement staff member met the family at the airport and took them to their new home, which had been prepared with furniture and culturally appropriate food.

Refugee Resettlement assisted the family with job opportunities, English lessons, and an introduction to public transportation. The program also helped Nianbul with the process of obtaining legal guardianship of Nygor.

Growing Through New Opportunities

Nianbul and her family set out to make a life in Phoenix. Nianbul stayed home to take care of Nygor, who is developmentally delayed and requires constant care.

Nygor began receiving expert medical care. He was also able to attend a specialized school and thrived with this extra support.

Achay, Ayak, and Chan began working. Eventually, all three pursued higher education and began attending community college.

Accomplishing a Major Milestone

In May 2021, after years of hard work, the family purchased a house in Avondale. They felt accomplished knowing they had achieved a massive milestone on their journey to make a better life in the U.S.

This family’s resilience and dedication serve as an inspiration to Refugee Resettlement staff, fellow refugees, and the Phoenix community as a whole. They are a testament to what people can overcome and achieve when given the proper resources and support.

If you’d like to help refugees resettling in the Phoenix area, donating items through our Amazon Wish List is a quick and easy way to make a difference. Items such as cleaning supplies, bedding, and toiletries are always needed and help refugees feel better prepared in their new homes.

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