
Catholic Charities is committed to helping individuals and families experiencing homelessness find affordable, stable housing. Our team helps veterans and their families, people with severe mental illness and others who need shelter. We have multiple programs to help homeless persons throughout Northern Arizona.

Tuesday, 05 January 2021

Homeless Family of 14 Receives Safe Housing

The Cauldwells are a large, multi-generational family consisting of four adults and 10 children. They range in age from six months to 83 years!

Unfortunately, this unique family found themselves living in tents for an extended period of time. To make matters worse, several of the 14 members endured ongoing medical challenges.

Experiencing homelessness on reservation land near Page, Ariz. was trying. There was no electricity or running water. They had no way to escape the extreme hot and cold elements of the desert. No kitchen. No roof.

As if that wasn’t enough hardship, the Cauldwell family’s tents were often vandalized and destroyed. They were forced to move locations frequently. This became their way of life and means to survive.

Housing and Community Resources

Shaylyn Richardson, Housing Case Manager in Page diligently worked with the Cauldwell family. She identified their needs for safety, security, utilities, basic hygiene, medical care and healthy food and water.

Richardson then set forth to meet those needs through services provided by Catholic Charities and other community resources. It was a tall order to find housing for all 14 people, but she was determined to make a difference in their lives.

With her help, the family would no longer be forced to haul water to their campsite or find a warm, suitable place for all 10 children to sleep.

Homeless Family new home edit

A Thanksgiving Miracle

The day before Thanksgiving, Richardson welcomed the Cauldwell family to their new home. It was a home complete with electricity, running water and a stable roof.

Heat and air conditioning created a comfortable environment for everyone, but especially those family members with medical needs.

A kitchen offered a safe space to cook and store food, but that wouldn’t be necessary this Thanksgiving. One generous community member provided a turkey and all the fixings the Cauldwell’s could eat to make their holiday even more special.

It was a wonderful addition to the excitement of receiving keys to their new home.

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