Giving Hope

Catholic Charities is grateful for local support that helps us walk along side individuals and families in crisis and give hope. Individual donors, community partners, corporate partners, Catholic parishes and schools, and volunteers all help advance our mission to help our community’s most vulnerable.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Flagstaff Donor Trusts Catholic Charities with His Legacy

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Larry Kovach has been deeply involved in the Flagstaff community since making it his home over 40 years ago. Larry was first introduced to Catholic Charities through United Way of Northern Arizona (UWNA), where he has volunteered as a Community Investment Team member for about two decades. A retired engineer from W. L. Gore & Associates and a veteran himself, Larry learned that Catholic Charities was a leader in providing services to those experiencing homelessness.

“Becoming a member of a UWNA Community Investment Team was a window into Northern Arizona's vibrant nonprofit community that I hadn't been previously aware of, and within that community, Catholic Charities was a real standout,” he says.

Becoming an Advocate for Those Experiencing Homelessness

Since learning about Catholic Charities, Larry has been active in assisting our PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness) team. He conducts outreach in the local forest areas, provides resources to those he comes across and cleans up abandoned camps. Catholic Charities staff appreciate Larry’s dedication and the compassion he has for the most vulnerable.

“One thing I love about Larry is his bravery. I wouldn’t feel safe trekking about the forest talking to people camped out in the woods, but Larry actively goes looking for those who might need help and talks to them in a way that they feel comfortable. It’s amazing,” shares Angie Trumble, Director of Planned Giving at Catholic Charities.

Creating a Lasting Legacy Through Planned Giving

After careful consideration, Larry decided to leave a bequest to Catholic Charities for the benefit of Northern Arizona's unhoused community members. Bequests provide flexibility and peace of mind to donors who wish to give but may need to use some or all of their assets to take care of themselves during their lifetime. By including Catholic Charities in his will, Larry has control of his assets during his lifetime.

“Of the 100+ nonprofits my team has reviewed over the years, I believe Catholic Charities is doing the most to help our unhoused, vulnerable community members. I have confidence that Catholic Charities will use this legacy gift wisely in that effort, long after I'm gone,” he states.

Maximizing Community Impact Through Different Channels

In addition to his legacy gift, Larry donates advertising for Catholic Charities through day sponsorships to KNAU, our local NPR affiliate. Larry is a wonderful donor, volunteer and advocate for Catholic Charities and those who are in need in Northern Arizona.

“Flagstaff is my community. Nothing has made me feel that connection more strongly than leaving legacy gifts to our key community providers, like Catholic Charities, that will endure long after I'm gone,” Larry says.

Are you interested in creating a legacy that will nurture your community for generations to come? If so, learn more about planned giving with Catholic Charities.

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Chelsea Buck-Leilich

Chelsea Buck-Leilich is the Director of Marketing for Catholic Charities. Chelsea has nearly 15 years of experience working with non-profit organizations. Since earning a Masters degree in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin in 2013, Chelsea has worked primarily in marketing and fundraising. Chelsea has also completed the Harvard Business School Club of San Diego’s Not for Profit Management course.