Foster Care and Adoption

Catholic Charities foster care program helps qualified individuals and couples become licensed foster parents. Our case managers facilitate the initial training and continue to provide ongoing training, resources and support. We recruit and support foster parents, therapeutic foster parents, kinship foster parents and unaccompanied minor foster parents.

Friday, 15 October 2021

Worth the Wait: Forever Family Creates Unbreakable Bonds

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“You adapt and you change, and you become whatever your child needs you to be,” said Rebecca, a mom of two in Northern Arizona.

It’s this care and open-mindedness that brought a new baby boy and a new sister into her life. After having her first child, Dorian, she decided to lose weight and set a healthy example for her son. With this positive change, though, came the pain of losing her fertility.

Finding Support

One day, she was chatting with an acquaintance on a Facebook group for moms about the fertility challenges she was facing. The acquaintance talked with Rebecca about her experience with foster to adopt. She connected Rebecca to Catholic Charities’ Foster Care program, where she found a caring, supportive licensing worker who walked alongside her as she began her journey as a foster parent.

The placement process came with its fair share of heartbreak. It seemed like every time she received a call, something came up. She knew from talking to other moms on social media that this was part of the process, but that never made it any easier. It proved especially difficult for Dorian, who couldn’t wait to become an older brother.

Love at First Sight

Although Rebecca couldn’t see it at the moment, a blessing was in the works. Rebecca was contacted about a five-month-old baby named Miles who was becoming available for adoption.

“He’s perfect. I loved him the minute I saw his picture,” added Rebecca.

So, Rebecca and Miles’ foster mom arranged to meet. Rebecca took Miles home for the weekend, with the foster mom noting that the baby boy did not like to be touched. By the end of the weekend, Miles was snuggling up to Rebecca.

The Beauty of Change

Miles’ foster mom knew it was meant to be, and Rebecca and her family adopted Miles in 2021. But the first few months of having him weren’t easy. Miles was born with an addiction and would wake up crying and shaking. This broke Rebecca’s heart, but she held and comforted him as much as she could.

Soon, the family began to see a change in him. He went from a timid little boy to one who was constantly smiling and giggling. Dorian took to his role as big brother, always protecting Miles and staying in tune with his needs. Whenever someone Miles didn’t know would try to touch him, Dorian would be the first one to say that his little brother didn’t like being touched.

Promoted to Auntie

As Rebecca’s relationship with Miles grew, so did her relationship with his former foster mom. Rebecca knew how much she loved Miles and wanted her to be a part of his life. When Rebecca adopted Miles, she gifted the foster mom a shirt that read, “Promoted to Auntie.”

“We make a big deal that she was promoted to Auntie, she did not lose him. She just got a different job,” said Rebecca. “I didn’t just get a son; I got a sister.”

Rebecca’s story is a shining example of how foster care and adoption can bring joy to so many, not just the adoptive family and child. If you’re interested in helping foster parents change lives, see all the ways you can give.


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