Foster Care and Adoption

Catholic Charities foster care program helps qualified individuals and couples become licensed foster parents. Our case managers facilitate the initial training and continue to provide ongoing training, resources and support. We recruit and support foster parents, therapeutic foster parents, kinship foster parents and unaccompanied minor foster parents.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Adoption: Beautifully Blended

Forever family Priscilla, Chloe, Chris and Antonio. Forever family Priscilla, Chloe, Chris and Antonio.

Priscilla and Chris know the beauty of sibling love. Having grown up in homes filled with siblings, they knew they wanted to share this experience with their daughter Chloe. Yet when the couple encountered difficulties conceiving additional children, they knew in their hearts what their next step should be.

With a brother adopted from Brazil, Chris knew the amazing experience foster-to-adopt could bring to their family. And in her work as a special education teacher, Priscilla had worked with many children in foster care. Foster care and adoption were always in the back of their minds, so they decided to take the next steps to explore options for their own family.

Passion for Helping Children

Through Catholic Charities, the couple was able to become certified as foster parents. They enrolled in classes where they learned the challenges of foster care and met others who shared their passion for helping children. In the fall of 2018, they received their first call and the couple welcomed a six-month-old baby girl into their home.

For three months, the family enjoyed getting to know the baby and watched Chloe excitedly act in her role as an older sister. Not long after, the baby was placed back with her family and, though they were devastated, Priscilla and Chris knew they had to trust God’s plan.

Becoming a Family

That plan became clear when they met Antonio, a two-year-old boy struggling with health issues and in need of a new home. The first time Priscilla snuggled Antonio on her lap, she remembers him melting into her. From that moment on, Antonio was part of their family. He was home. Priscilla and Chris had to constantly advocate for Antonio, giving him the love, reassurance, and healthcare he needed.Chloe and Antonio adopted siblings

Just six short months after meeting Antonio, his birth mother reached out to the couple, wanting to be a part of Antonio’s life. Priscilla and Chris wanted her to feel supported while giving Antonio a stable life as a part of their family. Antonio’s biological mother gave them a wonderful gift, in asking Priscilla and Chris to adopt him. Antonio officially became a part of their family on February 17, 2021.

Supporting Foster Families

Becoming a foster parent and choosing to adopt isn’t without its challenges. Catholic Charities provides support to foster parents every step of the way. “We love Catholic Charities. Agnes is our caseworker and is always here for us. She’s been amazing. She’s so receptive and understands the journey, and she is always supporting us. It’s a strong relationship. She was there for Antonio’s adoption.”

Today, Priscilla and Chris are experiencing the beautiful, blended family of which they’d always dreamed.

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a foster parent, our team is happy to answer your questions. Please call 602-943-3843 to sign up for our next foster care orientation.


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