Community Re-Entry

Our Community Re-Entry program provides safe, affordable, temporary group housing for those who have had justice involvement and need help getting their lives turned around. Each resident contributes to house chores while they strive to improve their situation by finding employment, attending substance abuse support groups, and checking in with their probation officers.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Prescott Woman Finds Support at Willow Creek Re-Entry Home

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Upon being released from jail, Star* had no place to call home. She was ready to make a fresh start, but didn’t know where to go to receive help.

Luckily, Star got connected to Prescott Area Shelter Services (PASS). Her PASS case manager encouraged her to reach out to Catholic Charities. In April 2021, Star made the life-changing call to Catholic Charities case manager K.C. Brown.

Community Re-Entry Gives Hope

K.C. began the initial intake for Star to enter Catholic Charities’ Rapid Rehousing program, which provides short-term rental assistance to help the most vulnerable achieve security and stability. Ultimately, K.C. found that the Community Re-Entry program would be the best fit for Star. This program provides safe, affordable housing to individuals who have had justice system involvement.

Star soon got settled in at Willow Creek, a re-entry home in Prescott, Ariz. Now that her need for housing was met, she began to make progress in other areas of her life. K.C. admired Star’s hardworking, dedicated attitude and saw potential in her.

From Vulnerable to Thriving

When Star got a job, her confidence skyrocketed. Having the money to buy her own things and pay off past fines gave her peace of mind. Her support system at Willow Creek made all the difference.

“Everybody in my life right now is helping me go forward. They tell me that I can do this and I appreciate it,” said Star.

Over time, K.C. noticed more positive changes in Star. Her incredible sense of humor began to shine through. She knew the power of a good laugh and would entertain the entire house with her stories from work.

Stability Creates Growth

Star has become more outgoing since coming to Willow Creek. She has also been able to see her kids more regularly and build a stronger connection with them.

She encourages anyone experiencing homelessness to reach out for assistance. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help. They’ll get you to the right people to help you out,” she said.

When the time is right, Star hopes to get her own place. She is also working up to her dream job of owning a cleaning business.

If you want to help those exiting jail get back on their feet and start fresh, making an online donation is easy. Even a small donation can help purchase bed sheets and other essential items.

*Name changed to protect client privacy.

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Bethany Durham

Bethany Durham has a bachelor’s degree in Communication and a passion for storytelling. Her writing for Catholic Charities has included blogs, newspaper and magazine articles. She enjoys telling client stories in a way that captures the humanity and emotions of those she writes about. When she’s not working, Bethany loves to spend time with her two cats, hike and sing karaoke.