Holly Yzquierdo

Holly Yzquierdo

Holly Yzquierdo is an experienced Marketing and Communications Manager and has served at Catholic Charities since 2014. She is passionate about helping nonprofits share the impact of their work in a digital world. Holly has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Cameron University. Outside of work, Holly enjoys spending time with her family.

If you've considered becoming a foster parent, right now is a great time. These new updates make foster parenting easier for families to care for their foster children.

Sidney is fun, creative and artistic--but after she started school at Prescott High School last fall--she kept to herself.

As high school can be difficult to navigate, Sidney decided to be a part of PAL (Peer Assistance and Leadership) at her school. PAL is an award-winning, nationally recognized program that enables youth to make a difference in their lives, schools and communities.

Parents who are adopting a baby have many decisions to make...cloth or disposable diapers, pacifiers or thumbs...but the first decision is one of the most important. What adoption agency? What adoption agency? If you are thinking of adopting or know someone who is, this is a quick walk through of what to expect with Catholic Charities.

The Priceless Prom Project is a way for girls and guys to attend prom in style for free.

One of Laurie White’s classes required her to do a community project. After some research, White learned how many refugees struggling to find a job, often can't afford hygeine or cleaning products. “Imagine trying to get a job as a refugee and not having soap for bathing or washing clothes or even a toothbrush. How can you be successful?” said White.

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